By Andrew ‘Hammo’ Hamilton

I was cycling on my bike, listening to Kasey Chambers’ autobiography. Little did I know that her story would prompt me to reflect deeply on my own faith journey. Kasey grew up in a Seventh-day Adventist household, but as she matured, she found that her faith didn’t fit with her desired lifestyle. She made the decision to leave the faith of her youth in search of one that better suited her evolving preferences. Upon hearing this, I found myself at a crossroads of thought.

When Faith Doesn’t Fit with Lifestyle

One response to this would be understanding. “Fair enough. You need to find a faith that suits you.” But then, another opinion emerges: “You know what, Kasey? I think you might have missed a crucial aspect of faith. It’s supposed to be the backbone of our lifestyle, a determining factor in who we are and who we’re becoming, rather than the other way around.

The Language of Discipleship

As I continued my ride, the words of Jesus echoed in my mind. When He called His disciples, He didn’t sugar-coat the journey. He spoke in a language of death, saying, “Whoever wants to come after me must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me.”.

Just this morning, my mate Billy texted me a quote from the Pope that hit home: “Redemption is not wellness. It is not about basking in self-indulgence. On the contrary, it’s liberation from the imprisonment of self-absorption. This liberation comes at a price: the anguish of the cross.”

The Challenge of Constriction

If you’ve found yourself feeling a bit constricted by your faith today, maybe feeling like Jesus is calling you to surrender some things, then you might be right. But here’s the kicker – that constriction might not be a sign that you need to change your faith, but rather a call to transform your lifestyle. The way of the cross is different from the way of everybody else, and that’s by design. We’re not called to look like everyone else when we follow Jesus. It’s a path less traveled, a narrow road that leads to life.

A Call to Reflection

 If you’re feeling like your faith doesn’t fit your lifestyle, maybe – just maybe – it’s not your faith that needs to change, but your lifestyle.We’re called to a life of discipleship, one that often goes against the grain of society. It’s not always easy, and it certainly isn’t always comfortable, but it’s a journey of transformation that shapes us into who we’re meant to be.

This reflection from Hammo featured in our breakfast program with Leah and Dan.