Tim Long is your new afternoons host, but he will be very familiar to many of you! He’s been part of the Sonshine family over the past two decades! So, when you hear him on-air in the 12-3pm afternoons slot this year you’ll notice he already sounds like he’s right at home!

Tim’s taking on a dual role at Sonshine, not only will he join you on-air from 12-3pm, but he’s also part of our Relationships team, so you might get to catch up with him as he fosters relationships with our donors and supporters, who are vital to helping us continue Sonshine’s ministry.

So, for those who’ve yet to meet Tim, and other’s who might wonder what he’s been doing since he last worked at Sonshine… here’s a little Q&A to learn a little more about him.

1. What’s the most important thing we need to know about you?

I love the Lord, I still have a burning passion for Christian radio after 25 years, and I am super excited about being back at Sonshine!

2. Who’s in your family?

I am married to my incredible wife – Cheryl. My son (Marcus) is 26 and lives in the UK, my daughter (Jakoba) is 24 and lives here in Perth with my Grandson (Ezra) who is turning 4!

3. What did you do before joining Sonshine?

After completing my degree in Broadcasting, I started at Sonshine back in 2004 and spent 12 years on air before moving to Brisbane in 2016 and working for Vision Fm and 96Five. I have just spent 4 years with Bible League raising funds to put Bibles into peoples hands all around the world, and am now returning to my first working love of radio!

4. Coffee or tea?

Coffee. Long. Black. No sugar…..

5. Dogs or cats?

Definitely cats. We have a long haired, ginger Ragdoll called Strawberry who has just turned 10. The smallest and cutest member of the house but makes the most mess!

6. Favourite football team?

Football as in soccer? Football as in AFL? Or football as in Rubgy? 

Ok, so soccer: Manchester United (since 1977). AFL: Eagles (since 1999). Rugby: I lived in Brisbane for 5 years, so go the Maroons!

7. Favourite thing to do in your spare time?

Spare what ??? Hahaha…..

You’ll either find me recording for the men’s radio show and podcast: Momentum, at the beach, at the gym, reading a book or watching a movie. 

8. What are you looking forward to the most about being part of the Sonshine team?

Connecting with donors and listeners and making a positive difference in the lives of those who are connected to Sonshine!

So, there you have it! Tim Long is back, so make sure you tune in from midday on Monday 10th February, and send him a text on 0429 985 985 to welcome him back to the family!