1 John 3:9,10 Those who are God’s children do not continue to sin, because the new life God gave them stays in them. They cannot keep sinning, because they have become children of God. So we can see who God’s children are and who the devil’s children are. These are the ones who are not God’s children: those who don’t do what is right and those who do not love their brothers and sisters in God’s family.

Listen: Whose Child Are You?

How you live, how you treat others, has a lot to say – in fact, it has everything to say – about who you are and what you believe. So how do you live? How do you treat others?

One of my great regrets is not listening more to my parents when I was young; not learning from their wisdom and living it out sooner. As a result, I made a lot of mistakes and suffered the consequences.

So the thing that gets me up out of bed early most mornings to prepare these Fresh messages for you and countless others, is helping you avoid the mistakes I made – not through anything clever I might dream up, but by bringing the power of God’s Word to bear in your life. So, here it is …

1 John 3:9,10 Those who are God’s children do not continue to sin, because the new life God gave them stays in them. They cannot keep sinning, because they have become children of God. So we can see who God’s children are and who the devil’s children are. These are the ones who are not God’s children: those who don’t do what is right and those who do not love their brothers and sisters in God’s family.

Friend, I implore you today … listen to your Father in Heaven. Go to God and hand-in-hand with Him, deal with the sin in your life once and for all. Live your life by His grace, by His power, as His child and not as a child of the devil.

Because how you live says everything about whose child you are.

That’s God’s Word. Fresh … for you … today.