1 Chronicles 28:10 Solomon, you must understand that the LORD has chosen you to build his holy place—the Temple. Be strong and finish the job.

Listen: When the Time Comes

We all have hopes and dreams. One day this … one day that … And that’s a good thing, a very good thing. God works mightily through those dreams. But one day it comes time to put them into action.

The thing about dreaming is that it’s such a great place to be. You set your imagination free to roam, to dream about all the amazing things you’ll do … one day; when the time’s right; when everything lines up to make your circumstances ideal.

In fact, we can be such good dreamers that the stark reality of getting started, of putting your shoulder to the wheel so as to speak, seems … well, ugly. Distasteful. Really? That’s seriously hard work. I’ll just wait until the time’s right. But when you consider the magnitude of the task, it’s funny how the time never really feels quite right.

King David said this to his son and successor, Solomon:

1 Chronicles 28:10 … you must understand that the LORD has chosen you to build his holy place—the Temple. Be strong and finish the job.

Well, if you keep on reading about the detailed plans that David handed over to him, the task was enormous – remember there was no machinery, no electricity, no automation.

The whole thing took Solomon about seven years of detailed planning, leadership, logistics, engineering feats, hitherto never seen before. It was exacting and grindingly hard work, not just for Solomon but for the thousands involved.

The time may never feel right. Circumstances may never appear ideal. But whatever God’s called you to, a marathon though it may be, at some point you have to step out and start.

That’s His Word. Fresh … for you … today.