Mark 9:36,37 Then Jesus took a small child and stood the child in front of the followers. He held the child in his arms and said, “Whoever accepts children like these in my name is accepting me. And anyone who accepts me is also accepting the one who sent me.”
Listen: Shifting Our PrioritiesServing Others: A Path to True Greatness
Serving others is something we know we should do, yet we often find it inconvenient or even demeaning. However, serving others is what makes the world go round. It allows us to live in homes we could never have built, drive vehicles we couldn’t manufacture, and even use simple items like toothbrushes that we couldn’t fashion ourselves.
While most service requires payment, driving the economy, the best kind of service is that which comes from sacrifice—sacrifice that doesn’t expect anything in return. This includes the love of parents raising their children, or even the kindness of a friend or stranger helping someone in need.
In teaching His disciples about true greatness in service, Jesus illustrated this principle in Mark 9:36-37. He took a small child, held the child in His arms, and said, “Whoever accepts children like these in my name is accepting me. And anyone who accepts me is also accepting the one who sent me.”
To the extent that we serve the least in society, we are serving Jesus. By reaching out in love and acceptance to those who seem insignificant, we are reaching out to God Himself.
Whom is He calling you to serve? Whom is He inviting you to love and accept? Remember, to the extent that you love, serve, and accept others, you are loving, serving, and accepting God Himself.
That’s His Word. Fresh … for you … today.