Romans 5:11 And not only will we be saved, but we also rejoice right now in what God has done for us through our Lord Jesus Christ. It is because of Jesus that we are now God’s friends.

Listen: Rejoice Right Now!

Well, in just a few days’ time it’ll be Christmas. My Christmas. Your Christmas. And, doubtless, you and I will celebrate in different places, in different ways. But celebrate, we should.

So here’s my question for you today: Do you actually feel like celebrating? Or have the cares of this world kind of crowded out any sense of joy and wonder in this lead-up to Christmas?

My prayer for you is that it’s the former … but however you’re placed, whatever you’re feeling, with every fibre of my being I believe that God wants you to celebrate; that He wants you to rejoice; that He wants you to be overwhelmed by His endless love for you. Because through Jesus, when we put our trust in Him …

Romans 5:11 … not only will we be saved, but we also rejoice right now in what God has done for us through our Lord Jesus Christ. It is because of Jesus that we are now God’s friends.

We looked at the previous couple of verses yesterday and chatted about God’s plan to reinstate us as His friends by wiping our slate clean through Jesus’ sacrifice on the Cross for us.

But in this very next breath – and please allow this sink deep into your heart – we’re told that to rejoice right now in what God has done for us through our Lord Jesus Christ. It is because of Jesus that we are now God’s friends.

Christmas is God drawing close to you. Christmas is God calling you to be His friend, despite all you’ve done. Rejoice right now!

Because that’s God’s Word. Fresh … for you … today.