Isaiah 57:19 I will teach them a new word: peace. I will give peace to those who are near and to those who are far away. I will heal them.” The LORD himself said this.

Listen: Peace … or Not

Here’s a brutal fact: the world is at war. Over recent years, according to the website, at least 150 armed conflicts have been fought each year. That’s up from previous decades but even then, that number rarely fell below 100. Wrap your mind around that!

Of recent times, Ukraine and the Middle East have been on our radars, yet Africa remains a constant hotbed of conflict – something that’s rarely reported in the west.

The suffering that goes on each day is utterly incomprehensible. One child is too many, yet hundreds of thousands are suffering. One soldier killed is too many, yet countless numbers are being slaughtered daily as most of us just get up each morning, have a hot shower, breakfast, and head off into our day.

Shocking as that is, there’s an even greater suffering going on across all of humanity – the deep personal conflicts that almost everyone faces in their relationships and in their own psyche as they grapple with the troubles that face them day-to-day. What’s the answer? Enter … God.

Isaiah 57:19 I will teach them a new word: peace. I will give peace to those who are near and to those who are far away. I will heal them.” The LORD himself said this.

God wants you to experience His peace. He wants to teach you to live in peace. Isaiah goes on in the next verse to say that there’s no peace for those who perpetrate evil.

Please, do yourself a huge favour. Dispense with the evil in your life, draw close to God day-by-day and let Him teach you a new word: peace.

Because that’s His Word. Fresh … for you … today.