Isaiah 40:26 Look up to the skies. Who created all those stars? Who created all those “armies” in the sky? Who knows every star by name? He is very strong and powerful, so not one of these stars is lost.
Here we are … the first day of the new year and from me to you, may you have a truly blessed year whatever life throws at you. And honestly, we have absolutely no idea what this year will bring.
On this day 100 years ago, a man called Edwin Hubble presented a scientific paper at an obscure conference. What was just an ordinary day, another flip of the calendar, became what Discover Magazine calls “one of the most extraordinary dates in the history of science.”
Through meticulous research and observation, Hubble posited that there were other galaxies beyond our own; that artefacts like the Andromeda Nebula weren’t merely nearby clouds of gas, but whole galaxies flung through space. Quite literally it was the day that the universe was discovered.
Now, you and I look up at the million or so visible stars of the Milky Way knowing that they’re merely a handful of the trillion, trillion stars in the known universe – of course we don’t know where that ends.
That makes our sun, our earth, our lives, our problems seem so infinitesimally small, so incredibly inconsequential, doesn’t it? And yet, God … God created them all.
Isaiah 40:26 Look up to the skies. Who created all those stars? Who created all those “armies” in the sky? Who knows every star by name? He is very strong and powerful, so not one of these stars is lost.
Sometimes the year can get off to a bit of a wobbly start. Perhaps we’ll hit roadblocks along the way. But the reality is that the God who created those “armies” in the sky, who knows each star by name, is the same God who loves you beyond words, with the power and the desire to lead you through whatever comes your way.
That’s God’s Word. Fresh … for you … today.