1 Corinthians 10:10,11 And don’t complain as some of them did. Because they complained, they were killed by the angel that destroys. The things that happened to those people are examples. They were written to be warnings for us.

Listen: How Much do You Complain?

There’s nothing worse than a whinger, is there? Someone who’s constantly complaining about everything as though the world owes them. Nothing’s ever good enough. No one’s ever good enough. Life just stinks.

So let me ask you, how much do you enjoy being around someone like that? If you see them heading toward you, you try to cross the road to avoid them, right? No, whingers and complainers are not fun to be with.

Alright then, let’s look at this from God’s perspective for just a moment. He hears every thought we have, He knows everything we do. So, whether we’re grumbling inwardly or complaining out loud, He cops it all.

How much, do we imagine, does He enjoy that coming from us? Answer: not a lot. Talking about the Israelites on the Exodus from Egypt to the Promised Land, God has this to say:

1 Corinthians 10:10-12 And don’t complain as some of them did. Because they complained, they were killed by the angel that destroys. The things that happened to those people are examples. They were written to be warnings for us.

We might gather from that, that God doesn’t enjoy our whinging all that much. It’s an afront to Him, and listen … you and I need to pay heed to this warning … complaining is a real killer. It eats like a cancer into our soul.

In any case, how much more effective, more powerfully life-changing would it be for us to pray over our problems instead of complaining about them.

Don’t complain as some of them did. Because they complained, they were killed by the angel that destroys.

That’s God’s Word. Fresh … for you … today.