Genesis 2:1-3 So the earth, the sky, and everything in them were finished. God finished the work he was doing, so on the seventh day he rested from his work. God blessed the seventh day and made it a holy day. He made it special because on that day he rested from all the work he did while creating the world.

Listen: Don’t Forget to Rest

Today is the second Sunday of the year. We tend not to think of things that way as the weeks just start doing what they always seem to have done – one week rolling into the next. So, given that that’s doubtless started to happen for you too this year, let’s just pause today and think about your Sundays for the rest of the year.

Sunday is something of a special day of the week – in most places, it’s the day of rest. I know where I live, on Saturday mornings, everyone seems to be out in their cars. But on Sunday morning on the way to church, most of the streets are almost empty.

Whatever your designated day of rest happens to be – Sunday or some other day according to your work schedule – let me ask you this: do you actually take a day of rest (at least one, possibly two, as in the weekend)?

Because what I’ve noticed is that a good many people seem to have stopped resting. They may be at home, but work expects them to be responding to emails, messages and calls as though it’s a workday. And on a whole range of fronts – emotionally, psychologically, relationally – that’s a really bad thing. Really!

Genesis 2:1-3 So the earth, the sky, and everything in them were finished. God finished the work he was doing, so on the seventh day he rested from his work. God blessed the seventh day and made it a holy day. He made it special because on that day he rested from all the work he did while creating the world.

Don’t forget to rest!

That’s God’s Word. Fresh … for you … today.