1 John 3:7 Dear children, don’t let anyone lead you into the wrong way. Christ always did what was right. So to be good like Christ, you must do what is right.

Listen: Don’t Be Led Astray

Meeting new people, making friends, simply isn’t easy these days. Life’s become either busy and transactional on the one hand or on the other, for many it’s quiet, isolated and lonely. But fear not, technology has an answer.

Dating apps have only been around for a few years, but already they have close to a half a billion users worldwide with revenues in the hundreds of billions of US dollars each year. Why is that?

Well, it is indeed becoming more and more difficult for people, young and old, to meet one another and form meaningful relationships. Perhaps that’s because so many these days spend so much of their time with their faces buried in a smartphone screen.

Whatever the reason, rather than getting out there with a circle of friends or … God forbid these days in a church group … they go shopping for companionship online. The problem with that is that you never know what you’re going to get.

You could end up dating a sociopath, or befriending someone with morals and standards that are a million miles from where you’re at. And that, not just in the online world but in life generally, can have devastating consequences in your life. So, a salutary word of warning:

1 John 3:7 Dear children, don’t let anyone lead you into the wrong way. Christ always did what was right. So to be good like Christ, you must do what is right.

As 17th century puritan preacher, Thomas Brooks, once said, ‘let those be your choicest companions, who’ve made Christ their chief companion.’ In other words, choose your friends carefully. Choose ones who’ll influence you Christ-ward, so that you’ll end up doing what’s right.

Dear children, don’t let anyone lead you into the wrong way.

That’s God’s Word. Fresh … for you … today.