2 Peter 3:17,18 Dear friends, you already know about this. So be careful. Don’t let these evil people lead you away by the wrong they do. Be careful that you do not fall from your strong faith. But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Listen: Changed by Grace

Every parent at some point is terrified that their child might end up with the wrong crowd; that those people will lead their beloved son or daughter astray. And well they should be.

I can tell you, I’ve been there too. When kids grow up and start to find their own way in the world, there’s a kind of a tug-of-war between the love, the learning, the discipline they’ve received at home and the many things “out there” that can take them in the wrong direction.

Which one will win out in the long run? Will the things we taught them, the love we showed them, win out in the end? That’s what every parent finds themselves asking. And that’s an issue for God too, which is why He says this:

2 Peter 3:17,18 Dear friends, you already know about this. So be careful. Don’t let these evil people lead you away by the wrong they do. Be careful that you do not fall from your strong faith. But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Peter’s writing here in the context of some who’ve been twisting the Scriptures and leading themselves and others to destruction in so doing.

And still today, those people are out there. So we can choose either to follow them or to focus our faith on Jesus and grow in His grace. And that grace, make no mistake, is meant both to save you and then to change you.

A.W. Tozer once remarked that if we’re not changed by grace, then it’s unlikely that we’ve been saved by grace. I don’t think he’s far wrong.

Don’t be led astray. Grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.

That’s His Word. Fresh … for you … today.