Have you ever thought about how incredible your digestive system is? “It’s about nine meters long, working non-stop to process food, absorb nutrients, and keep you healthy,” says Naturopath Mel from Eden Naturopathy. She joined Doug on Table Talk to dive into some fun, surprising facts about your digestive health that will make you appreciate this hidden powerhouse.

It All Starts in the Mouth

Digestion begins the moment you take a bite. “Technically, digestion begins in the mouth,” Mel explains. Your saliva kicks things off, producing up to 1.5 litres a day. “That’s enough to fill a large water bottle!” Saliva isn’t just for moistening food—it contains enzymes that start breaking down carbohydrates right away. From your mouth, food travels through a nine-meter-long digestive tract. “It could take 24 hours, could take a little bit longer to 36 hours. That’s fine. That’s healthy,” says Mel. Want to know your personal transit time? “Eat some corn and track how long it takes to reappear. It’s a simple, effective test!

The Power of Fiber and Water

Fiber is what’s moving it through. Think of it like sort of sweeping the broom that sweeps things through the system,” Mel explains. Pair it with plenty of water to keep things moving smoothly. Speaking of water, “Aim for at least 1.5 litres daily—more if you love coffee, as it can be dehydrating.” Pro tip: “Always follow your coffee with a glass of water.

Belly Rumbles: More Than Just Hunger

Ever had your stomach grumble at the worst possible moment? “That’s your digestive system at work, not just a hunger signal,” says Mel. The scientific term is borborygmi, caused by gas and fluid moving through your intestines. “It can often happen when the stomach is empty, but it’s a good sign for your digestive health because your body is doing some maintenance.

The Role of Stomach Acid

Most people are surprised to know that the acid in your stomach is so strong it could clean bricks,” Mel shares. Yet it doesn’t harm you thanks to a protective mucus lining. If this lining gets compromised, “it can lead to discomfort or ulcers.” This acid is crucial for breaking down food and killing harmful bacteria.

The Small Intestine

“Predominantly, the small intestine is where a lot of the absorption of minerals and nutrients happens,” says Mel. However, issues like Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) can disrupt this process, causing bloating and discomfort. “It’s when bacteria, which should normally be in the large intestine, moves into the small intestine and ferments, causing symptoms.

Gut Health

Your gut microbiome—”the collection of microorganisms that live in and on the human body“—plays a huge role in overall health. Support it with prebiotics (“like fiber-rich guar gum”) and probiotics (“found in fermented foods like kimchi and sauerkraut”). “Start small to avoid digestive discomfort,” Mel advises.

Your digestive system is a complex, amazing part of your body. Take time to appreciate it, nourish it with whole foods, stay hydrated, and enjoy the journey of good health!” concludes Naturopath Mel.